#4 – Item for Contact Information

If you long click, you can utilize a variety of functions for the specific contact information.

If you click on your left check box, you can select/delete contact information.

If you click the picture on left side of name, the function of Quick contact badge provides like below.

If you click name parts of contact, you can call or find out detail information.

You can set up a variety of effect functions after click: Menu > Settings > options when you click contact information.

A variety of pop up functions appear when you press contact for a long time.

Share :
Share contacts to others.

Move :
Move this contact to other group.

Copy :
Copy this contact to other group.

Edit :
Edit contact information.

Delete :
Delete contact information.

Create call shortcut :
Make a call shortcut button at wallpaper.

Create SMS shortcut :
Make a shortcut button of sending SMS at wallpaper.

Phone shape icon on the right side of name appears when more than one contact is registered.

Mail icon on the right side of name appears when more than one contact is registered.